Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! It’s almost 2013 so I wanted to write an end-of-2012 blog and wish you all a Happy New Year!

Now let’s review some events from 2012:
-Graduated from Appalachian State with a degree in International Business
-Got an internship in Holland the day after I graduated (yes, I’m going to brag about it)
-Moved to the Netherlands and started my life with Koen (on the same continent!)
-Adopted my cat child, Pepi. I’m a proud Momma!
-Many of my very best friends and family members have gotten engaged and I could not be happier for them! Praying I have the opportunity to fly back and be there on their special days!
-Started from scratch in terms of friends and met some really great people!
-Learned how to live (mostly) on my own and so far away from home
-And lastly, realized how much I miss all of my friends and family in the States and how important they are to me.

Now I’d say I had a pretty good and eventful year.  There were lots of hardships to overcome like adapting to my new life here in Holland but with everyone’s help, I have been able to do that. There are still things that I struggle with like ordering French fries from the Turkish diner down the street (whose counter clerk doesn’t speak any English) or walking through the rain and not complaining about the toll it takes on my hair when I finally arrive at the office (1.5 hours later). Ok obviously these haven’t been the hardest but there are things that I just never had to go through while living at home and with the support of my parents/friends/family.

Luckily, I have Koen. (My make-shift parent and sweet boyfriend). I’ve realized that over the last few months of being here, he has really done a lot for me and tried to make me feel at home. He rarely thinks about himself but puts me first in almost every situation which personally I think is a lot to ask of a 22 year old boy just out of college but he does it. On top of that, his family has been more than welcoming with their constant support and concern for my happiness. (Which I must say is at its peak at the moment) They are always making sure I’m okay and happy with our life and everything in it. I’m truly thankful for this.

Finally, I must bring attention to the fact that I have put my family through a lot by moving here this year. Not only do they probably miss my good looks, witty sense of humor, and money spending habits but I can imagine that having someone live so far away after being together for so long is difficult. I imagine that because that is how I feel myself. Missing birthdays, holidays, and big family gatherings is difficult for me as I come from a very family-oriented well…family. We’ve done everything together and although this is a big time for me, a part of me wishes we could share more with each other. So here’s to hoping they can come visit and spend time in Holland with me in the near future!

Happy New Year everyone! Cheers!
Ps. Sorry for the sappiness of this blog :)

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